Treatment Pathways

You’re here because you or someone you know is having trouble sleeping. So what do you do next?

The following pathways provide you with personalized directions to learning about and fixing your sleep problems. These custom pathways address different learning styles, degrees of motivation, and levels of urgency.


The Cut to the Chase pathway offers immediate treatment steps. Whether you’ve figured out the nature of your sleep problems or whether you are just eager to understand what your treatment options might be, you’re ready and motivated to move forward.

Click Here to choose one of three “I’m Ready” pathways.


In the Not So Fast group, you know something isn’t quite right with your sleep, but you have been putting off evaluation or treatment, or perhaps you need more convincing that identifying and treating your sleep difficulties would be valuable to you.

Click Here to choose one of two “Not So Fast” pathways.


The Been There, Done That group has already been once around the block, maybe twice. You’ve seen doctors of various types, maybe even sleep doctors, but your results are less than satisfactory. The question you might be asking is, “Is it worth taking a second (or third…) look at what’s going on?” We think so and encourage you to explore this section now.

Sleep Care in Albuquerque & Colorado Springs | The Sleep Spot