Not So Fast

In the Not So Fast group, we find two general types of sleep patients:

  • those who sense their sleep is disturbed, but who are putting off any form of evaluation or treatment;
  • those who can’t absorb or appreciate that they are suffering from any sleep disturbances at all.

The first group includes those who do not spend much time thinking about their sleep problems or thinking about any specific reasons to treat their sleep problems.  They might say that sleep problems just sit on the “back burner,” percolating for so long that they are literally “out of sight, out of mind.”

The second group includes problematic sleepers who often are pushed into treatment by someone else – their doctor, a family member, a friend, and so on.  For some, it’s a matter of denial; for others it’s a healthy skepticism about the idea that something actually needs treatment.  This group’s “show me” attitude often requires that someone else do the homework to prove there is a need to “fix” something.

The links below provide some useful Treatment Pathways to move forward, if indeed you possess a desire is to move forward:Out of Sight, Out of MindShow Me!

Sleep Care in Albuquerque & Colorado Springs | The Sleep Spot