Been there, done that

If you’ve already been to a sleep medical center or lab and had unsatisfactory service or results, you may be discouraged and wonder about  the usefulness of seeking further treatment.

Perhaps you were diagnosed with one or both of the most common disorders: insomnia and/or sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)–a huge proportion of sleep patients suffer from both conditions and often don’t know it.  Regrettably, many sleep facilities fail to recognize and treat both conditions in large numbers of patients.

These are the two conditions that most frequently drive sleep patients for evaluations, yet because many sleep facilities tend to emphasize treatment for only one or the other condition, many sleep patients are not satisfied with their experiences or their results.

In the two links below, we talk about the need to aim for an optimal treatment response for both of these conditions.  By aiming high, it is much easier to actually pinpoint what might be wrong with your current treatment regimen.

So, if your predominant problem is SDB, click that link, or click on Insomnia if that’s your biggest issue.  Don’t be surprised, though, if you need to spend considerable time reviewing the perspectives and suggestions in both sections.  Remember, sleep problems are usually mind-body problems.  Addressing both the mental and the physical elements guarantees a much higher success rate. 

Sleep Care in Albuquerque & Colorado Springs | The Sleep Spot